Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Injury Time Out Completed - Day 20 out 31(ish)

So after playing a physical Broomball game at Lord Fletchers, I had a back issue and couldn't turn my neck. So I took a week off for 30 days of Yoga, but now have launched back into it. I had a great experience yesterday with Tori S who has everyone in the class hold hands for Warrior I. It's something that's truly invigorating cause you do feel the support of those around you.

I also got the songs Happy by Pharrell and Carry on by Fun. stuck in my head.

Today I had a great class from Jason and it was intimidating because Tori was in my class. But it was a great experience that really focused on battling Inner Demons. He brought up recently deceased actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman as his example of someone who battled demons but succeeded in making a difference. I think I am very much like this in that I am coming off my own big battle of inner demons (and outer demons) and there's nothing really to do but try and contribute in a positive way to society.

I am still debating trying the teachers program but it was a great start to the day followed by my 1000 M swim.

Pose of the day: While in a low lunge, with left hand outside left ankle but under left knee, leaning forward to grab the right foot and practically float on the left hand. I don't the name for it but very challenging. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Day 7 of 30! 1 week down

1 week in I decided to attend a Slow Burn Class hosted by one of my favorite teachers Jason. The class really stretched out my hips and hamstrings. One interesting thing he does is push for the eyes to remain closed. This helps open up your awareness of places in your body that have a little bit of the wobbles. Todays class had a 3/10 difficulty with some difficult poses to hold but nothing rediculous but nor should it be during a slow burn.

Pose of the day: Warrior I

All in all it was a good relaxing class and tomorrow it will be back to a bread and butter vinyasa most likely.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Day 6 0f 30! Hot Vinyassa Flow

Day 6 down, I am starting to get in the swing of things and understand better how to get myself into a zone and move with the breath. I think flexibility is getting a little better, I suppose I should measured it somehow before I started. Today's difficulty was a 5/10, not a bad day, easy beginnigs followed by a medium-challenging middle ground. A lot of twists and balance poses mixed with sun salutations.

Pose of the day: Revolving Half Moon Twist,

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Day 2 of 30 Advanced Flow

Alright, 1/15 of the way home! Day 2 was solid, nothing too much to complain about. A nice solid flow day that still contained one too many split squats for my comfortability. It was a packed house today for this class and I could barely find a space, but I enough room in the end to maneuver my way around the mat. With the moon approaching some kind full moon status, our teacher decided to do some moon salutations which is more or less broken up in this diagram.

This provided me with some great lower hamstring stretches and it was kind of a  nice off day all things considering. After a 4 sport day yesterday, and two broomball games to go, I was ready for an easy day of Yoga. I think the most challenging pose for the day was going from a knees on elbow head stand, directly into crow pose. I am getting better at holding my crow pose though. I also got some great hamstring work in which is definitely going to help in the long run. And while I don't think I'll be this guy....


I am definitely making substantial progress in my balance postures. For the moment I am doing the basic poses but will start taking variations at some point down the road. Today's practice was dedicated to all my friends going through job interviews and wishing the best of luck on their next journey.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sculpt? Ugh! 1 of 30

Disaster stikes on DAY 1! I thought I was going to a yoga basics class due to my ineptitude of reading schedules, I ended up at a sculpt class, not my favorite or first choice but I decided to make due and give it a go. I had my bottle of water, and was ready to do my workout before lunch and tennis.

Sculpt yoga in my opinion can be summed up with these two movements...

Neither of which is flattering for the male body nor feeling very natural. It also usually consist of completing the movement 10 times and then pulsing, up down, up down, up down, for like 20 seconds. Of all the yoga classes this one seems to feel the most like a workout perhaps because it's a hybrid of yoga and some kind of circuit training studio workout session.

Also I am not sure which pants from Lululemon are the see throughs, but I am pretty sure she had them, so that at least gave class an interesting flash.

The best part: Being able to hold my wheel pose for almost 5 seconds already.

The negative: Thighs and quads are feeling very sore already good lord.

Well 1 day down, 29 to go! Will have to hit a morning class tomorrow with so much broomball in the evening.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Pre-Yoga 0 for 30

Tomorrow I will be starting Life Time Fitness 30 days of Yoga program.

Yoga Towel: Check
Lululemon Pants: Check
People to keep me on task: Meh. More of a personal motivation.

I think my down dog is in a decent place and i am starting to build more endurance in my arms and shoulders. It's a good challenge to keep me into things for January like I need more to do!

Now I need to makes some goals of where I want to be at the end of the 30 days. Part of this is to describe 30 days from a male's perspective and to try and analyze the kinds of difference one might see in yoga and other forms of exersize such as weight lifting. I am trying not to let it affect my crossfit training too but when my schedule is Yoga/Tennis/Crossfit/Broomball, that''s a lot of stuff. But all in all here's my top 3 goals:

1. Do a head stand no problem
2. Hold Wheel pose for over 10 seconds
3. Bird of Paradise pose

(optional 4th goal: Touch my toes without bending my knees)
(hopeful 5th goal: Improve core strength and core apprearance.... ooh 6 packs :)  ) 

I really need to work on hamstrings, as a runner and hockey player this is probably my tightest spot, I am intrigued to see how much 30 days of Yoga will improve overall hamstring flexibility. Well off we go!